The original 2018 Bond Program showed a $500M contingency line item, which contributed to an overall bond package value of $3.1B. At the time the Program was proposed, there was public acknowledgement that we had about a $620M shortfall, with the hope that as the Program progressed, additional funding sources would become available to help address this shortfall. Due to a significant shortage of partnership funds, we are reducing the $500M of funding shown in the contingency line item from the Program.
Instead, the updated Program contingency line item will consist of reimbursements from various grant programs, reimbursements of a portion of the local match required for certain grants, cash-in-hand funds from the District’s ad valorem tax collections, and funds that are no longer assigned to Bond projects because other sources of funding were used. Attachment 2 documents where funding from others sources has been used to either fully or partially fund projects. Our current balance of these funds is approximately $8.1M in 2018 Bond funds and $5M in funds received as reimbursements or remaining CIP funds to help supplement the Program.
The contingency funds will be distributed to various Bond projects with priority given to projects in construction or in final design to start construction. However, a portion of the current contingency will be held in reserve proportionate to the number of remaining, yet to be initiated projects to help ensure we have some contingency available for the life of the Program. The primary use for the contingency funds will be to make up for funding shortfalls during the construction phase of project lifecycle. Construction costs continue to escalate due to various and multiple factors. Contingency funding could be used to offset the fact that there is less partnership funding available. When contingency funding is not available, some projects will have to be phased, with subsequent phases on hold pending additional funding sources.