F-42 Channel Conveyance Improvements on McGee Gully Q114-00-00

F-42 Channel Conveyance Improvements on McGee Gully Q114-00-00

Recent Action

October 26, 2021 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an engineering firm to provide preliminary engineering services in support of this project.

August 10, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court initiated and directed the Flood Control District to proceed with this project.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to provide detention to reduce overflow of McGee Gully (tributary Q114-00-00) during storm events. Flowing east to west, the channel runs through the area north of US Highway I-10 and through the City of Baytown before flowing into Cedar Bayou. The Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) stage will identify and evaluate a project that maximizes benefits to communities within the watershed. The project is investigating both a stormwater detention basin and channel conveyance improvements to mitigate flood risks. Project challenges include a significant number of pipelines within the project area and a flow restriction at the intersection of Sjolander Road and I-10.


Q114-00-00, also known as McGee Gully, is a tributary to Cedar Bayou watershed located from Interstate Highway 10 to North Main Street near the City of Baytown.


This project is currently undergoing the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage and conceptual design stage. This effort will result in more detailed recommendations for flood damage reduction projects and an implementation strategy for those projects in the form of a PER.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project F-42 is a “Local Only” project, meaning that the project will be funded entirely from the 2018 Bond Program without any funding partners. The Bond Project List includes an allocation for this project of $33 million.


Every flood damage reduction project is unique. Yet each project begins and ends, with common and predictable milestones along the way. Whether a project moves forward – and how quickly – depends on many factors, including the availability of funding at each milestone, shifting community priorities for flood damage reduction, and other changing circumstances (such as the price of trees or concrete) from year to year.