This project involves the design and construction of a stormwater detention basin in the Cedar Bayou watershed as mitigation for channel conveyance improvements on Q134-00-00. Once completed, the detention basin will provide approximately 342 million gallons of storage volume.
The project is funded through Bond ID F-45. As outlined on theF-45 Cedar Bayou Tributary Analysis Q134-00-00 and Q134-01-00 project page, this project was identified as a long-term proposed solution to reduce flood risk in the Cedar Bayou watershed.
Starting in February 2022, the excavation of the detention basin is under an E&R (Excavation and Removal) contract. The E&R contract, which lasts three years, will remove a maximum of 85,000 cubic yards of soil. This project is part of the Watershed-Wide Project Implementation Program for Cedar Bayou.