Clear Creek

Clear Creek

Flooding occurs frequently along various reaches of the main channel and its tributaries. Storm surge has also caused flooding within the watershed and has the potential to extend upstream to I-45.

Land Use

Development activity has historically been concentrated in the lower end of the watershed around Clear Lake and several smaller cities in the mid and upper portions of the watershed; however, in recent decades development activity has increased throughout the watershed and is expected to continue.


Clear Creek between Clear Lake and the City of Friendswood is in a natural state. Its bottom elevations are below sea level and subject to tidal influences. A number of natural and recreational parks have been developed along the creek, which are commonly referred to as the "Chain-of-Parks." The combination of Clear Lake, the "Chain-of-Parks", and channel reaches lined with dense woodlands provide a naturalized habitat along Clear Creek up to the Galveston/Brazoria County line. Much of the channel upstream of this line also supports heavy vegetative growth that returned following channel projects in the 1950-1960's. Some clearing has occurred to de-snag the channel or provide access to the channel from adjacent developments.

How Water Flows In The Clear Creek Watershed