F-88 Westador Stormwater Detention Basin K500-27-00

F-88 Westador Stormwater Detention Basin K500-27-00

Recent Actions

January 10, 2023 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the Flood Control District to accept a $8.25 million grant for this project, with a required match of $3,658,303, from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

September 27, 2022 – Harris County Flood Control District transmitted to Harris County Commissioners Court a preliminary engineering report for this project.

June 14, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved submittal of an application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for grant funds in the amount of $8.25 million, with a required cash match of $2.75 million, in support of this project.

October 13, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a partnership project for the construction of the Westador Stormwater Detention Basin with no funds required by the district.

September 29, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the Flood Control District to initiate and proceed with planning, design, and construction of this project.

September 15, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized adding the K500-27-00 Unit Number to the Flood Control District stormwater management system for identification purposes.

August 11, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court has authorized negotiations to begin with the Westador Municipal Utility District for a partnership project for this stormwater detention basin.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to construct a stormwater detention basin on the main stem of Cypress Creek in the Westador neighborhood. Stormwater detention basins reduce flooding risks and damages during heavy rain events by safely storing excess stormwater and slowly releasing it back to the creek when the flooding has passed.

This is one of several stormwater detention projects the Flood Control District is developing in the Cypress Creek watershed. A regional drainage study for the watershed found that flooding along tributaries of Cypress Creek is predominately caused by stormwater from a rising Cypress Creek backing up into tributaries, rather than a lack of sufficient stormwater conveyance/drainage capacity on the tributaries themselves. Therefore, stormwater detention basins could be a beneficial project to reduce that backwater issue.

The regional drainage study described here recommends nearly 25,000 acre-feet of additional stormwater detention in the watershed.

This project receives funding from the 2018 Bond Program and Bond ID F-88, which involves the development of stormwater detention in large buyout areas.