
Construction Update for Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project

In an effort to keep you informed about the Harris County Flood Control District’s continuing improvements in the Clear Creek Watershed, we want to notify you of an upcoming bridge closure in connection with the Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project.

Effective at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 17, 2021, the Scarsdale Boulevard bridge will be closed to traffic in both directions for channel conveyance improvements work occurring under the bridge. The bridge is expected to reopen in four to six weeks, barring no unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement weather.

Motorists will be routed to either Sagedowne Lane or Astoria Boulevard and can expect the stoplights at the intersection of Beamer Road and Scarsdale Boulevard to be blinking red for the duration of the closure. For more information on the project and the traffic control plan, visit

A component of the Clear Creek Federal Project, the Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project seeks to decrease the frequency of flooding within the Clear Creek watershed by constructing a concrete-lined channel to widen Mud Gully and removing and replacing storm sewer system components. This project is funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the 2018 HCFCD Bond Program.