In 2019, as part of Bond Project CI-001, the Harris County Flood Control District conducted a selective clearing project along the Harris County side (north bank) of Clear Creek, from Dixie Farm Road to potentially as far as Interstate Highway 45.
Selective clearing as practiced by the Flood Control District involves identifying and removing downed trees or trees at imminent risk of failure. The primary focus of this operation was to ensure that natural channels function at peak capacity to convey stormwater. A secondary focus was to leave as much of the native understory as possible, while providing maintenance access and clearing non-native species. This work is in addition to the Flood Control District’s cyclical mowing and maintenance program.
The work in the channel and on channel slopes was performed by hand, using chainsaws, machetes, and ropes. Contractors traveled the channel mostly on foot. Access to the work areas was via public easements or where the Flood Control District had established a right of entry with private landowners.
Selective clearing encourages the growth of healthy native tree and vegetation species that help minimize bank erosion and provide environmental benefits such as wildlife habitat. Selective clearing also supports regular channel maintenance.
The work lasted approximately three weeks. Work was performed by Flood Control District contractor UFL. Total cost for this work was approximately $153,000.