Project Description
This project involves right-of-way acquisition, design and construction of the Mason Stormwater Detention Basin, HCFCD Unit L512-03-00. The approximately 200-acre basin site is located southeast of the Grand Parkway, north of Bauer Hockley Road near Mason Road.
Stormwater detention basins are large excavated areas that reduce flooding risks and damages during heavy rain events by safely storing excess stormwater and slowly releasing it back to the bayou when the threat of flooding has passed.
The Mason basin will store approximately 1,900 acre-feet (more than 619 million gallons) of stormwater.
This project is part of the Little Cypress Creek Frontier program that will reduce the risk of flooding in the Little Cypress Creek watershed for more than 3,200 structures in the Atlas 14 1 percent (100-year) floodplain and will reduce that floodplain by more than 5,800 acres. Bond ID F-34 will provide funding for right-of-way acquisition, design and construction of the Mason basin.